The Time Is Now To Re-Boot and Detoxify!
You may be different than me, but when spring hits I feel renewed. It is like a fire was fire is lit inside me! Inspiration and energy are plentiful during this time and it gives you more time to focus on your health goals. The spring is the perfect time to start your detox because you will likely stick to it! Here are some quick tips to get you started!

It all starts with your diet...
Get rid of all those foods that come processed or in a can. This is a great way to eliminate toxins in your body. It really helps to eat organic foods like veggies and fruits for a great start in your detox. Eliminating things like sugar, caffeine, alcohol, dairy, wheat, soy, and eggs while you are on a detox due to the allergens they contain.
Show me the Green
Green foods are some of the best things you can eat. Foods like parsley, spinach, peas, mustard greens, fennel, watercress, and asparagus. These are all great nutrient sources in your body. You can also eat foods like Swiss Chard, kale, and collards; These dark leafy greens make an excellent addition to any meal. They’re a great way to reduce toxins due to the chlorophyll in the leaves.
Get up and Get Moving
What you eat is important to your cleanse, but another is adding exercise to your detox. There are a lot of ways to do this, and it doesn’t have to be extensive. Try nature walks, stretches, light yoga, or even dancing! You don’t need to exhaust yourself by running for 10 miles or long bike rides, this will only hinder your detox. Your body will be working hard to remove toxins, it needs rest to restore, not to be depleted.
Ready to re-boot? I am offering a super Detox on the home page of this website. Deadline for sign up is Friday, April 14th